Finding the right person for the right job is the first step in reducing the cost of hiring, training and turnover.

Classroom training slots are a precious commodity. Lining up the time, instructors and coordinating the effort with current or prospective programs is not always the easiest thing to do.

So finding out as early as possible whether they will complete the training and make it all the way to the operations area is a critical factor in becoming a StarPerformer and can save you a lot time and the company a lot of money.
Pre-screening Assessment-a two way process.

Are they 'right' for the job?

Using StarPerformer educate, survey and interact with candidates provides insight to their:
  • basic skills,
  • attitudes,
  • voice
  • and work habits
  • and speech characteristics
Is the job 'right' for them?

At the same time,  using StarPerformer simulations to expose candidates to various front-line jobs allows them to determine if their job expectations are consistent with what they would have experienced much later on.
Performance Measurement and Analysis

StarPerformer makes the pre-hire assessment process more efficient and comprehensive. It automates the recording and scoring of a candidate interactions, statements and responses; and the  order and duration of each.

In addition, selective playback and review of the recorded behavior provide for refined, personal analysis and evaluation.