Use live data to assure demographic fidelity

It should come as no surprise that value of simulation is more completely realized if the demographics of the "virtual" contacts match those with whom your front-line personnel will be communicating.

Creating that mix of demographics could be done manually. could save a lot of time, money and effort and let StarPerformer access your live CRM database (read-only, of course) and calling lists to synthesize a "real" contact, on-the-fly.
Interface directly with a dialer or acd

At the same time a call is connected to the agent, a simulation can immediately access the associated customer/prospect data.*

StarPerformer comes complete with interfaces that could work with:
They can now practice with a live (presumably an internal one) call using the actual equipment and systems in place and optionally update live data.

You can't get much closer to reality that this.

* Depends on features/facilities of specific hardware/software and implementation.